The Past, Present And The Future:

Khalil Anvar was born and raised in Tehran, Iran, living there for 25 years. He got his bachelors degree in Economics at Tehran University. Not being satisfied with his major, he discovered storytelling as his passion. He's chosen photography as his premium medium for telling those stories. Being born during war time, and having access to lots of books has developed his mind in creating stories from every single detail of everyday life.
He is now studying Photography at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA. His is currently working on his MFA thesis "Occupied". There is always immense passion for people and their challenges in their lives in his works. In this thesis he is investigating and learning what is the experience of being at work for these people, listening for who they are for themselves and others around them. Then by utilizing photographic elements and light, he expresses their experience through his photographs.
The other projects he has taken on are "Could You Spare a Cigarette?' which is mainly a street photography project and "Portraits" that are either assignments or his personal approach toward his chosen models to express a certain state of being.

Along with his photography he has never gave up on writing. He is also constantly engaged with writing short stories in Farsi and have them published in magazines.